March 10 – April 22, 2012
Featuring New Works by Mark Brendon Smith, Stephanie Dodes, Carly Sewell, and with special trunk show by Virgin, Saints and Angels
Opening Celebration with DJ: March 13th, 5 – 9 pm
Winter Conversation Series Part 3: Andrea Shenk on the emerging collector, March 13th, 5pm
Verbatim: marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact; “an exact mind”; “an exact copy”; “hit the exact center of the target.”
–“As an artist one can “hit the target” whether with color and line as with Mark Brendon Smith’s and Matt Neuman’s new works, or with visual narratives such as in “Apocalypse Fabulous?” by Carly Sewell. With our show this month “Verbatim”, we ask you to look at both the direct target hit by the artist’s intention, and to question how we as the audience either respond “word for word” and “eye for eye” or if our digestion of the work and interpretation takes us beyond this visual-verbatim experience. Please come meet the artists and discuss what you find in their work… perhaps you will share “an exact mind”. I personally love this idea of the emotional and literal responses we can share in common with the author and artist as well as the adventures a piece of artwork or a passage of literature can send us on that are a new creation in and of themselves.”